Jordan from Pennsylvania

from Pennsylvania
- Age 14
- Gender Male
- Location Pennsylvania
- Ethnicity Other
- Case Number C02AC08
- Inquire about this child
- Favorite this child
Jordan is a playful boy with a big imagination. He loves to explore and play creatively. He especially likes to color, sing, dance, and watch movies. Right now, he really loves The Lion King. Jordan likes to play pretend that he is Simba so he can show you his ?mighty roar?! Jordan's favorite food is chicken nuggets and his favorite color is tan. He says that his best qualities are that he is ?nice' and ?happy'. Jordan has a lot of energy and would succeed with caregivers who could participate in active activities and model safe behavior in the community. Jordan succeeds when he has clear expectations, structure, and consistency. He would love to be the only child or the youngest so that he can have a lot of one on one time with a nurturing caregiver.
Jordan likes to create origami. He will maybe teach you how to do it. He also likes to do other art projects such as painting and coloring. Jordan is also a budding rap star. He likes to create rhymes about himself and his family. Any family would be a good match for Jordan. He would like to live in an urban setting if possible. He also likes a family who has dogs. They are his favorite animal.
Parental rights have not been terminated for Jordan.
For more information, a family can call the SWAN Helpline at 1-800-585-SWAN or have the family worker contact the recruiter, Alex Turner, via telephone or email