Alma from Taiwan

from Taiwan
- Age 7
- Gender Female
- Location Taiwan
- Ethnicity Asian
- Case Number Alma-Taiwan
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Meet Alma! Alma has just celebrated her 3rd birthday and loves being cradled by her caregivers and people she knows well! She is comfortable and lively at her foster home and often asks others to play with her. How sweet! Alma is able to crawl and walk around with a helping hand from an adult. Her favorite toys make sounds or play music.
Although Alma is diagnosed with cerebral palsy and epilepsy, she is otherwise a healthy little girl! She is able to stand up on her own, feed herself, and demonstrates developing gross and fine motor skills. She has been receiving occupational, physical, and speech and language therapy on a weekly basis. Recently, Alma has been able to walk further distances and stand more steadily on her feet. She can understand simple instructions and keep eye contact in order to gain attention. She is learning how to express simple needs with hand gestures and more language stimulation at home will help Alma tremendously!
Alma has been a little fighter since day one and needs a new forever home that she can thrive in. Be sure to join our Taiwan Waiting Child Advocacy group on Facebook to see Alma’s adorable photos!