Janet from Taiwan

from Taiwan
- Age 10
- Gender Female
- Location Taiwan
- Ethnicity Asian
- Case Number JanetTaiwan
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We are excited to introduce Janet! Janet was born in 2014 and is 8 years old. Janet's favorite activities include crafts, drawing, playing house, and outdoors activites such as basketball and riding her bicycle! Those who know Janet describe her as smart and straightforward. She will openly expresses her own thoughts and is strong-willed. Her caregivers say she does well in one-on-one interactions, and is making progress with peer social interactions. Janet is going through the process of neurodevelopmental assessments for autism spectrum disorder, Tourette’s, and ADHD. She attends special education classes at her local elementary school and attends the afterschool program. She is an eager learner and enjoys going to school. Janet stated her favorite subjects are Mandarin, Life Curriculum, drawing and PE. Janet has 5 good friends at school, and they LOVE playing hide and seek at recess together! Janet needs someone who is patient and can give her encouragement and clear boundaries. If you think you could be the right family for Janet, please contact us at Superkids@gladney.org to review her profile. To protect a child's privacy, Taiwan has strict rules limiting public photos of children. To see more photos of Janet, request to join Gladney's PRIVATE Taiwan Waiting Child Advocacy group on Facebook.