Kellet from Taiwan

from Taiwan
- Age 9
- Gender Male
- Location Taiwan
- Ethnicity Other
- Case Number KelletTaiwan
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UPDATE August 2024 : We had the chance to meet Kellet in July, when a group of children came from Taiwan for a weeklong visit! We really got to see the kids shine and learned so much more about each of their personalities than could ever be learned from reading their profile!If interested in learning more about Kellet, please email UPDATE Nov 2023: Kellet is a little 8 year old boy whom we met for the first time in person when we were in Taiwan earlier this month. He is described as energetic but a little shy with strangers. We saw that with him, then we also saw the energetic and silly side once he warmed up. Meeting him was truly delightful. He likes to color and draw. He very quickly drew a little dog for us. He wrote his name and did a few math problems: addition, subtraction, and multiplication. When we asked him what his favorite subject is he said, “All of them!” He is in 3rd grade. He thought our little obstacle course was hilarious and wasn’t sure he was going to do it, but he did. He hopped and jumped and skipped. He also did pushups and sit-ups. When we asked him what he wants to be when he grows up he said he wants to be a cook. And he likes to explore. He likes to take the train to new places. His favorite animals are dogs and cats. He likes vegetables and McDonalds and does not care for eggplant. In short, Kellet is a sweet, handsome 8 year old boy whose biggest need is a family. Could that be you? Or maybe someone you know? Let’s share Kellet’s post to help find him a family! UPDATE: Through our Virtual Superkids program we were able to meet Kellet over Zoom recently. We are excited to share updates from this meeting! Kellet recently turned 8. He describes himself as someone who wants to help when others fall down. He likes to pretend he is Ultraman, but he also likes helping his foster mother with chores such as sweeping and washing the floors. He enjoys playing outside doing activities such as riding his bike, playing hide-and-seek, and playing basketball. Kellet said he doesn’t like being bored, apparently sitting in traffic was fresh on his mind after his 2 hour ride to get to the meeting location! Kellet likes to go to McDonald’s where he likes all of the food, but he says he likes ice cream more than he likes fried chicken. Other foods he enjoys are watermelon and stinky tofu. His least favorite food is eggplant. His file indicates that he has ADHD, but that it is currently stable. Kellet has good gross and fine motor skills. He can run, jump, and do jumping jacks. He drew us a detailed picture of Ultraman that he was very proud of. Kellet is in second grade. He enjoys school. When asked what his least favorite subject was he said he doesn’t have one, he likes all of the subjects. But he does have a favorite: Life Skills class. He did double digit addition facts for us with ease. Kellet is a little shy and quiet at first, but warms up quickly and makes good eye contact. He is able to answer questions and engage in conversation with adults. Throughout the Virtual Superkids call he was cooperative, attentive, and eager to please. Our team noted no significant delays or concerns during the time spent with him. -----Could Kellet be your son? If you think you could be the right family, please contact us at for more information. Gladney Superkids program is hopeful to travel to Taiwan in 2023. Please watch here for updates. If interested in volunteering, email UPDATE: Kellet was seen as a part of virtual SuperKids in February 2022. Click here to read Kellet's previous post. Kellet recently turned 7! Kellet is in first grade and his favorite subject is Math! He is doing well in school and enjoys his friend group. His Taiwanese social worker shares that she is impressed by his patience and involvement with activities during their time together. Kellet shows his imagination through art and storytelling as he recently drew a picture for his best friend, who is a mermaid and lives in the sea! Kellet expressed a desire to also be a mermaid, so he can be with her all the time! How sweet is that?! Kellet enjoys imaginary play through dress up with peers and enjoys playing with Legos. Kellet is enthusiastic about life, playing games, and has a high level of attentiveness. He lives in an area where he is able to hike and run in the outdoors- activities that he appears to enjoy! Kellet has foster siblings. When they are available, Kellet enjoys spending time with them. It would be amazing for Kellet to find a family open to nurturing his love for life and imagination! To review his profile, which include birth family and social history, reach out to and be sure to join our Taiwan Waiting Child Advocacy group on Facebook. Kellet is not camera shy so we have some amazing videos and photos of him to share from Lunar New Year! ---- ORIGINAL POST: Introducing Kellet! Kellet is a medically healthy 6-year-old boy who just celebrated his birthday! Kellet is active and very curious about new people and environments. He likes playing with younger children and is able to interact and share toys with peers. Kellet likes adventures and challenges and takes initiative to play with others. He has age-appropriate gross and fine motor skills; he can pour water without spilling, draw meaningful pictures, run and climb stairs without rails for support, throw and catch a ball, and much more! He also has good verbal expressions and age-appropriate language development. He can count from 1 to over 100! Kellet can also engage in back-and-forth conversation and tell a story by looking at pictures. He sleeps deeply at night and eats the same food as adults for three meals a day. We hear that Kellet has good focus at school and can follow class progress and teachers’ instructions. We still have much more information on Kellet so please contact for more information! Also, be sure to join our Taiwan Waiting Child Advocacy group on Facebook to see his photos and videos! Could your family be the one he needs?