Ada from Texas

from Texas
- Age 15
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity African American
- Case Number 107098
- My Siblings Te'jovan
- Inquire about this child
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Ada is a very determined and responsible child with an outgoing personality. Her smile is infectious and will lead others. Ada is very neat and organized. She is exceptionally smart and excels in school. She loves school, and her favorite subjects are science and social studies. Ada is mature and displays knowledge beyond her years. She loves participating in arts/crafts activities and is very creative. Ada is optimistic about her future and always looks for the bright side of situations. He has a positive outlook on life even when facing challenges. Ada is family-oriented and fond of her older brother, Te'Jovan. She is an animal lover and enjoys the outdoors. She often goes to the neighborhood park to be in a natural environment. Ada especially loves singing, writing songs and recently participated in a talent show at school. She is also part of the youth choir at school, one of her favorite pastimes. A few of Ada's other favorite pastimes include camping, cooking, swimming, dancing, skating and shopping.
Te'Jovan and Ada are full of energy and share a strong sibling bond. Te'Jovan, the older sibling, is very protective of his younger sister, Ada. Te'Jovan and Ada love to laugh together and make each other laugh. They have some of the exact past times and hobbies in common. Te'Jovan and Ada are animal lovers and enjoy being outside and active. Ada is very self-determined, while Te'Jovan is stronger-willed with a great sense of humor. He considers himself a great big brother. Te'Jovan and Ada are very playful and have good communication skills with each other. For the most part, they get along well; however, like any sibling group, there are some instances when they may disagree with each other. Ada and Te'Jovan enjoy listening to music, eating their favorite foods and spending time with their peers. Te'Jovan and Ada are very attached to one another and wish to be adopted together.
Ada is ready for her forever family! Ada's forever family will provide structure and set aside time to connect with her and encourage her to reach her dreams. Ada's family will encourage her academically, and guide her as she reaches adulthood. Ada has a unique bond with her older brother Te'Jovan and would like for them to be adopted together.