


Age: 36

Ethnicity: Other

Religion: Christian


Age: 32

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age

Gender: Either

Race/Ethnicity: All

Special Needs: Open to discussion

Basic Info

Age: 36

Ethnicity: Other

Religion: Christian

Denomination: Non-Denominational


Age: 32

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian

Denomination: Non-Denominational

Work & Education

Education: Bachelor

Profession: Engineer


Education: Doctorate

Profession: Attorney

Post-Adoption Relationship

Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.

Semi Open (open to an in-person visit before adoption placement, phone, email, sharing pic/letters after placement


Country: USA

State: Texas

Parent Relationship: Married

Parent Neighborhood: Urban

Parent Years Together: 1 to 5 years

Parent Residency: House

Parent Pets: 1 Dog (Charlie), 4 Turtles (Timmy, Bertha, Tripod, Lil’ Al). All pets are rescues

Children At Home: No children

Sexual Orientation: Same-sex parents

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age

Gender: Either

Multiple Children: All

Race/Ethnicity: All

Special Needs: Open to discussion

Certification Adoption.Org Logo

Gladney Center for Adoption verified this family completed an adoption homestudy including: background checks, character references, official interviews, required training, home inspection, financial review, etc. and are approved for adoption.


We love the beach!
Dear Expectant Mother,

We promise you that we will commit everything to raising a family that is centered on love, honesty, and kindness.

Hi! We’re Ramez and Trevor, and we are so excited to meet you! We feel very lucky to be here and to have the opportunity to introduce ourselves.

Ramez is an Egyptian Canadian engineer and Trevor is an attorney born and raised in West Texas. On paper, we could not be more different, but we share the most important things. We want to be dads more than anything, we want to raise our kids to be kind, loving, and curious about the world around them. Most of all, we share a love that we can’t wait to pass on to our kids. We can’t wait to share all of the laughs, tears, and hugs of life with our family.

We promise you that we will commit everything to raising a family that is centered on love, honesty, and kindness. We also promise to respect you, the person you are, and the decisions you...

Hi! We’re Ramez and Trevor, and we are so excited to meet you! We feel very lucky to be here and to have the opportunity to introduce ourselves.

Ramez is an Egyptian Canadian engineer and Trevor is an attorney born and raised in West Texas. On paper, we could not be more different, but we share the most important things. We want to be dads more than anything, we want to raise our kids to be kind, loving, and curious about the world around them. Most of all, we share a love that we can’t wait to pass on to our kids. We can’t wait to share all of the laughs, tears, and hugs of life with our family.

We promise you that we will commit everything to raising a family that is centered on love, honesty, and kindness. We also promise to respect you, the person you are, and the decisions you make. As you flip through these pages, we hope that we will be able to provide you with a sense of who we are as a family, and why we are here.

We think you are extremely brave for taking this step and know just how lucky the baby is to have such an amazing birth mother who wants them to be loved and have all the opportunities they deserve. Ultimately, we hope to meet you so we can be there for you throughout this journey.


As parents, we will strive to raise kids that want to help make the world better, whether through random acts of kindness, sharing their passion with their community, or just being a good friend.

Our Nieces!
Our “why” is very simple: we have always wanted to raise kids and have a family. We want to share what we have learned in life and help our kids grow and mature to be exactly who they need to be. We have an unshakeable belief that we are meant to be dads, and that we each have the perfect partner for the journey ahead.

We are uncles to three awesome nieces, Godparents to a few children, and honorary uncles to many of our friends’ kids. We can’t wait to build a family that is full of love and joy and to provide our kids with the warmth and support that we are lucky to have in our lives.

When we think about our future, we hope that it includes a few kids that we can share our love with and grow alongside. We want a family where our children can grow with siblings who will always have their back, someone they can confide in and have as a friend and ally long after we are gone. We want to build a family that gets excited for family dinners, game nights, holidays, and weekends together.

As parents, we will strive to raise kids that want to help make the world better, whether through random acts of kindness, sharing their passion with their community, or just being a good friend.

Our third date started in December of 2021 when Trevor traveled to Canada to help Ramez pack the house and start the looooong road trip to our new home. We got married in 2023 and our third date is still going strong today. :)

Travel is a big part of our story!
Our story starts in 2020 on opposite sides of the continent during a global pandemic (boo pandemic!!). Ramez was working 14 hour days trying to lead 40 people and their families through a global crisis while Trevor was spending his days studying just as long. Tinder allowed us to swipe globally and we were being introduced to people around the world (i.e., Australia, Italy, Germany, Ireland, Argentina) until our two small towns, 2,000 miles apart, from Western Canada and Texas collided online.

There was an instant connection that compelled us to get on the phone that same evening. Trevor’s voice was very calming, and Ramez’s maturity helped relax an anxious Trevor. Little did we know that for the next 8 months we would spend 1-2 hours each day on FaceTime getting to know each other. On the weekend we would each order a pizza, get on FaceTime, and synchronize playing the same movie on Netflix (it didn’t always work but we loved every minute of getting to ‘virtually’ be together).

In December of 2020, Ramez flew down to Trevor’s hometown for their first date. Trevor scraped whatever he had left in his bank account as a student and immediately drove Ramez to Santa Fe, New Mexico for 4 days. We stayed in a small adobe home, ate pizza and burritos, and walked around looking at Christmas lights in the snow. In other words, it was a pretty solid first date.

In February 2021, Trevor planned to fly up to Canada to see Ramez but God had other plans. International Covid restrictions and a deadly snowstorm across Texas forced Trevor to cancel his trip. Five months later, Ramez was able to fly down for Trevor’s law school graduation. We then traveled back to Canada to spend the summer exploring while Trevor studied for his bar exam.

At the end of that amazing summer, we didn’t know when we would get to see each other again so it was a tough goodbye. 2 more months passed and Trevor was offered a job to move to a new city in West Texas. About 1 after, Ramez’s company approached him and offered him a job in that exact same city! It was surreal and still hard to believe. Our third date started in December of 2021 when Trevor traveled to Canada to help Ramez pack the house and start the looooong road trip to our new home. We got married in 2023 and our third date is still going strong today. :)

We are really excited to create new traditions with our children, we want to take them on adventures, ensure they learn and grow to appreciate the diversity of this world and instill a peace and kindness in their hearts that is centered around love.

We have a strong drive to give back to our community through service, we aim for an annual road trip through new cities to explore the outdoors, and we try to get to the ocean to refresh.

On weekends, we have established a bit of a routine:
Fridays: Disconnect from the work week, order takeout, watch a movie, and relax. This ends with Ramez asleep on the couch by 10pm and Trevor switching to nature shows.
Saturdays: Grab a coffee, a book, and spend a few hours learning something new. We’ll do renovations, work out, and cook new Mediterranean or South Asian recipe together.
Sundays: Go to church and stay for fellowship. We've built a wonderful network with our congregation, including our 89 year-old neighbor Johnnye, who often brings us fresh baked bread; she is one of the sweetest people in our lives.

Our holiday traditions vary since our family is spread worldwide:
Thanksgiving: Across both our families in Canada and the USA, our mothers cook a tremendous amount of food... so we eat, watch the dog show, a movie then take a nap.
Christmas: We love to spend time with family or take a road trip. Before leaving, we bake hundreds of banana chocolate chip muffins for our neighbors and wish them well
for the holidays. We also try and catch the local Nutcracker performance!

We are really excited to create new traditions with our children, we want to take them on adventures, ensure they learn and grow to appreciate the diversity of this world and instill a peace and kindness in their hearts that is centered around love.
Post-Adoption Relationship

Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.

Semi Open (open to an in-person visit before adoption placement, phone, email, sharing pic/letters after placement

Certification Adoption.Org Logo

Gladney Center for Adoption verified this family completed an adoption home study including: background checks, character references, official interviews, required training, home inspection, financial review, etc. and are approved for adoption.



LAURA & CHASE: They are my son Chase’s chosen Uncles. Even though we live far away in Canada, they make the sweetest, intentional efforts to stay connected through photos and videos. Chase’s Dad passed away and I believe Chase is blessed to have them in his life as role models. They love deeply and have such positive personalities. I know they will be great parents, my son is lucky to have them as Uncles and I am lucky to call them friends. JARRETT, COURTNEY, SOFIA & CHARLIE: My wife Courtney and I have known Ramez since college and Trevor since they became partners. They spend a lot of time with our kids playing together and always make a concerted effort to provide care and attention. They are both caring people with deep hearts. This is evident in how they care for each other, their family, friends and beloved dogs. I am lucky to have them as friends and hope to see them start their own family soon! RAFIK (BROTHER) & ELISSA (SISTER IN LAW): They really are the best. It’s been such a joy watching them grow, love and build their life together. There are no two people better suited for parenthood. Their relationship is founded on abundant love and respect, which serves as a wonderful foundation for their family. They have a disciplined and balanced approach to life, and will instill good values in their children, providing a loving, stable, secure and fun home.


QUINCY: I am so excited to see them become dads. T has been my closest friend since law school, and we have stayed close throughout the different times in our lives. I loved R as soon as I met him. I am so glad he is Trev’s partner as they just fit so well together. I know they will unconditionally love and support any child and provide the best environment for them grow into their full potential. I can’t wait to be Aunt Q! BETH (TREVOR’S MOM): Trevor has always been a loving human being. From the time he was a small child he was caring, protective, and kind towards everyone, especially animals and those without power. When Ramez came into our lives, we instantly saw the same characteristics we know and love. I know they will make outstanding parents. We would love to help with another grandchild and will open our arms and hearts to this little baby! JILLIAN: I have known Ramez for over 14 years and Trevor for over 5. I have seen firsthand their kindness and thoughtfulness for each other, their family, their dogs and their friends. Even in the hardest moments I have known that Ramez is someone you can count on to do the right thing and to be there for you. I know they will treasure and cherish their children no matter what.


I am the baby of the family. My brother Josh and sister Allison are 13 and 9 years older than me. I think my parents were shocked when I came along! They taught me humility, faith, and that the most important thing is to be kind. My big brother was the first person in my family to go to college and has always been a mentor of mine that I can look up to. My sister has always been the person I could talk to about anything. She was the first person I came out to because I knew she wouldn’t judge me. I have three awesome nieces. They are excited to have a baby cousin to play with and take care of one day!


My mom, Hoda, is the kindest and most giving person I know. Despite the challenges of being a new immigrant to Canada, she remained resilient, raising two boys while caring for a sick husband and mother. After they passed she continued to be a pillar of strength and hope for our family. My older brother is one of my best friends. We speak weekly, trusting and building each other up, constantly challenging each other to be better people of God and husbands. Rafik is simply an exceptional brother who always aims to do what is right, even when it is hard. I owe my ambition, kindness and faith to my family who have helped me become the person I am today.


We love to explore, stay healthy, volunteer and learn. Our favorite activities are: hiking, tennis, mountain biking, weightlifting, sporting events, road trips, skiing, kayaking and eating!! (if that counts as an activity). We really do have a great time together...even errands and cleaning the house! We feed off each other’s ambition and it encourages us to push ourselves out of our comfort zone and grow.


Our little family includes an entourage of rescues starting with our trusty companion Charlie and our four turtles - Timmy, the three legged Tripod, Bertha, and Lil’ Al. We recently said goodbye to Myla, our 14-year old dog that Trevor rescued from the side of the road while in college. All our pets bring us so much joy, especially when we get to see them happy and playful. Trevor hopes to add some chickens and maybe a few goats to the family one day. Ramez isn’t so sure...


It’s a privilege to get to introduce this wonderful human to the world. Trevor's most admirable quality is his strong moral compass. He lives by one simple rule: to be kind. He strives to understand the people around him, refrains from casting judgment, and genuinely wants everyone to get along. Trevor's mind is extraordinary, and his heart is huge. He remembers the most subtle details about your life, loves world history, celebrates cultural differences, admires nature and holds an extremely special place in his heart for animals, especially rescues. He has an insatiable passion for learning and growth. Trevor often jokes that his two best groups of friends are kids and the elderly. His ideal world would be one where he could help everyone in need, spend his days playing with children and animals, and sit down for coffee with the elderly. Trevor has become a staple in my life, not just because of his dad jokes, but as my confidant, partner, and best friend. The joy and warmth he brings to our relationship are immeasurable, and I am eternally grateful to God for his presence. As we embark on this journey, I am filled with hope and excitement, knowing that Trevor will be an incredible father, guiding and nurturing our children with the same love and kindness he has shown me.


Anything I’m doing, I would rather do with Ramez. He is my companion for life, and I feel like the luckiest guy in the world. It is easy to say this now, but when we first matched I had an immediate feeling that this was different. Ramez's positive energy, openness, and honesty drew me in immediately. It didn't hurt that he was and is the handsomest guy I know. We started what would become our habit of daily FaceTime calls, and all of my immediate feelings got stronger and stronger- Ramez was different. He made me feel smart, funny, and comfortable to be silly around him without being judged. Ramez is so smart and driven, he motivates me to do better every day. He is quieter than I am by nature, but he has grown to share his feelings and worries with me over time. He has also helped me become a better listener. Simply put, I would rather be with Ramez doing anything than without him. The most boring chore is suddenly fun when I am with him. It might sound lame, but our favorite place to be in the entire world is in our living room, watching a show or movie on the couch, with our dog Charlie and snacks - preferably, pizza. It was easy to fall in love with Ramez, and even easier to stay in love. The reasons I fell in love with him are the same reasons I can't wait to be a dad alongside him. I have no doubt that he will show our future family the same love that he shows me every day.


We fell in love with our 1955 Ranch house because of it’s quirks and charm. It is 2,600 square feet, 3 beds, 3 baths, with 5 mature trees and lots of space for kids and pets to play. Over the last 3 years, we have worked hard to renovate the space together. Ramez is handy and Trevor is a quick learner, so together we make a great team to get work done. Our neighbors are all extremely kind and diverse, and there are lots of kids who play together in the street. There is a great school, a big park, and a pond just a few blocks away. Starting from the top on the next page: Our dining room with our mid-century vibes, the future nursery, a bedroom for siblings, and finally our primary and secondary living room, one of which will serve as the kids' space and play area.

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