Alicia from Texas

from Texas
- Age 10
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 87002
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Alicia is a lovely, energetic young girl who loves running around and playing games. She also likes to read books, swim, play with dolls, paint her nails, and dress up. Alicia loves to show off her shoes and pose for pictures. She enjoys going to school and learning about all kinds of different subjects. She does well in school academically as well as socially. She also enjoys going to the store and shopping with her caregiver. Alicia has an outgoing personality and enjoys meeting new people. She enjoys singing and dancing. She is a very independent child who likes to do her own hair and choose her outfits. Overall, Alicia is an easy-going and adorable child. Alicia will be a great addition to a loving and caring forever family.
Alicia will benefit from a stable and predictable environment with one or two parents. Her forever family will show her patience, guidance, and love and be a role model to her. Alicia's family will be committed and consistent forever. It is recommended she be the only child in the home or that her siblings be older and male. Alicia prefers not to have pets. She benefits from reminders and prompts to get back on task and focus when distracted. Alicia responds well to one-on-one interactions. Due to her social nature, Alicia benefits from close supervision to ensure her safety as she learns to recognize potentially harmful or dangerous situations.