Alonzo from Texas

from Texas
- Age 15
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity African American
- Case Number 87219
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Alonzo is a sweet teenager who enjoys listening to music, watching his favorite movies, and drawing. He frequently begins singing along and dancing when he listens to his favorite songs. He exuberates positive vibes. Alonzo enjoys a variety of activities, including art and shopping. Although Alonzo is shy when he first meets new people, he opens up once he gets to know people and becomes comfortable with them. Alonzo has a desire to become a producer when he grows up. Alonzo would like to travel, especially to Florida and New York. Alonzo is passionate when he discusses his interests. Alonzo is able to express himself during conversations. Alonzo does well academically and likes school and learning. Alonzo has a bubbly personality, and he brightens the room.
Alonzo will benefit from a family that is patient and understanding. He needs to be in a home where he is the only child or a home with one older sibling. Alonzo prefers to be the only child and desires a mom and dad. Alonzo requires much attention in his everyday life and will benefit from one-on-one time with an adult. Alonzo hopes to have a family that can provide him with the stability he desires.