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Amaris from Texas



from Texas

Amaris is caring, sweet, and quiet yet outgoing once she opens up to you. Amaris loves to laugh and be quirky once she is comfortable with you. Amaris loves to watch TikTok videos and any other video that will make her laugh. Amaris really enjoys all the sports, but her favorite sport is basketball. Amaris has hopes of joining the basketball team the next school year. Amaris sees herself as a natural leader when it comes to sports. Amaris' favorite hobbies are writing and drawing. Amaris aspires to be an art teacher one day. Amaris' favorite things to write are poems, songs and raps. Amaris loves to eat pizza and macaroni and cheese and is not a picky eater. Amaris is responsive to love and nurturing and does best with clear and concise boundaries and rules. Amaris thrives in structure. She is excited and extremely hopeful about her future. Amaris will be a great addition to a loving and caring forever family.

Amaris would best fit into a two-parent household. Amaris would do great with a family who will encourage her artistic abilities and keep her in art and writing supplies. Amaris could do well in many types of families. Amaris would love to be a part of a family who can be patient and understanding with her while she gets to know them. A family that loves sports and loves to go to their children's try outs, practices, sporting events, and sport's teams activities would really benefit Amaris. Amaris desires a structured family that could show her what familial love and commitment are all about!

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