Andrew from Texas

from Texas
- Age 17
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 91698
- Inquire about this child
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Andrew is a very friendly young man who is talkative and outgoing. He is helpful and gets along well with his peers. Andrew enjoys being playful with his friends and making them laugh. He also enjoys spending one-on-one time with his caregivers and going out to eat with them. In his free time, Andrew enjoys reading comic and picture books, listening to rock music, playing basketball, and playing board games. He also enjoys spending time playing outside. Andrew loves to watch TV and YouTube videos. He is a fan of Sonic and has seen all the Sonic movies and cartoon shows. Andrew has a creative side as he enjoys drawing, coloring, and arts and crafts. When he grows up, he hopes to incorporate his creativity in the kitchen as a Chef. He has already begun practicing his cooking skills. His favorite things to bake are cakes and pies!
Andrew will benefit from a family who will accept him and show him what unconditional love feels like. He needs to feel safe and protected. Andrew's family will provide physical and emotional nurture. Andrew will do best in a two-parent home, with a strong male role-model. He will do best if he is the youngest child where he can model other children. He will thrive with parents who are structured and maintain a good daily routine. They should be patient and provide him with praise when he does something well, and consistent redirection when he breaks a rule. He would love to have a family who is active and encourages him to participate in activities that will improve his self-esteem and social skills.