Annabel from Texas

from Texas
- Age 17
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 80803
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Annabel loves swimming, going to the movies, and playing outside. Annabel plays well with other children, but usually wants to be the focal point and will often pursue being the center of attention. Annabel enjoys being praised for her efforts in the things that she does. From a simple "You did great; I'm proud of you" to a physical prize, she will work hard to be noticed. Annabel does not like change and needs consistent schedules and boundaries. She has a desire to feel meaningful and important to others and will go out of her way to seek confirmation. Annabel has a strong desire to be adopted and loved by her own forever family. She hopes to one day have a mother to talk to when things get tough or a father to teach her how to change the oil in her car and the importance of managing money. Annabel also dreams of being able to feel like a normal teenager with responsibilities and boundaries, although she does understand that this may require a learning curve. Annabel is definitely ready to experience it all!
Annabel will do well in a family where she is the youngest child with a considerable age gap between her and the other children, preferably older siblings as they can also act as mentors to Annabel. She will do best with an experienced family who has successfully handled challenging behaviors. Both parents will need to have patience as she navigates through the challenges of becoming a teenager and a part of a family. Annabel would also benefit from a family with knowledge of the school system and how to work with educators to develop and execute a plan of academic success for her. She needs a highly structured and consistent home environment with specific and clear rules that are easy to understand. A two-parent household will be best for her. Annabel has difficulty adjusting to new environments and will do best in a home where expectations, rules, and schedules are kept consistent to allow her to adjust.