Atreyu from Texas

from Texas
- Age 16
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 84623
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Atreyu is a strong, fun, and playful youth. He loves to be physically active and enjoys working out. Atreyu mainly likes to lift weights with his friends at school and dreams of one day being a body builder. Atreyu said that if he had one wish, he wishes to have every superhero power. Atreyu enjoys the outdoors and especially enjoys swimming and playing basketball. When he is not outside playing a game of basketball, he is inside playing video games. He has a big appetite for corn dogs, pancakes, hamburgers, and macaroni and cheese. Atreyu is not a picky eater as he is a growing teenager. Atreyu enjoys learning about science and he would like to one day own a motorcycle. Atreyu would like to be a video game designer and wants to go to school for computer science. He is a very social youth who gets along well with children his own age and younger. He loves talking to people and getting all the attention sometimes!
Atreyu will do well with a two-parent household. Atreyu's forever family will provide a very structured environment. His family will inform him of rules and hold him accountable. His family will be loving, patient, and experienced in parenting. The best family for Atreyu will have few children in the home as he would like a lot of one-on-one attention. Atreyu would like an active family who will be able to take him to all his extracurricular activities.