


Age: 37

Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino

Religion: Christian


Age: 36

Ethnicity: Black/African American

Religion: Christian

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age

Gender: Either

Race/Ethnicity: All

Special Needs: Open to discussion

Basic Info

Age: 37

Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino

Religion: Christian

Denomination: Lutheran


Age: 36

Ethnicity: Black/African American

Religion: Christian

Denomination: Lutheran

Work & Education

Education: Master's Degree

Profession: Human Resources


Education: Master's Degree

Profession: Software

Post-Adoption Relationship

Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.

Semi Open (open to an in-person visit before adoption placement, phone, email, sharing pic/letters after placement


Country: USA

State: Illinois

Parent Relationship: Married

Parent Neighborhood: Suburban

Parent Years Together: 10 to 15 years

Parent Residency: House

Parent Pets: Dog and Cat

Children At Home: Adopted children

Sexual Orientation: Same-sex parents

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age

Gender: Either

Multiple Children: Twins

Race/Ethnicity: All

Special Needs: Open to discussion

Certification Adoption.Org Logo

Gladney Center for Adoption verified this family completed an adoption homestudy including: background checks, character references, official interviews, required training, home inspection, financial review, etc. and are approved for adoption.


Photos of Us
The three of us at an art Museum
The three of us at an art Museum
Cruise vacation 2023
Cruise vacation 2023
Bluey Live 2024
Bluey Live 2024
80's Themed Birthday Party
80's Themed Birthday Party
Christmas 2023
Christmas 2023
Making art at home 2024
Making art at home 2024
Thanksgiving 2023
Thanksgiving 2023
Christmas 2023
Christmas 2023
Our Family
Cruise Vacation 2023
Cruise Vacation 2023
Our Pets


Luis and Justin
Luis + Justin

"Love Makes a Family"

Our family motto is "Love Makes a Family." Family, friends, and everyone in between, it comes down to love making us a family.
We are Justin, Luis and Amelia and we hope that the pages you are about to read serve as a humble introduction to our lives, friends, and family. We can't begin to imagine what this journey had been like for you, but we know that your courage and strength will guide you through this, no matter what you ultimately choose.

Our family motto is "Love Makes a Family." Family, friends, and everyone in between, it comes down to love making us a family.
We are Justin, Luis and Amelia and we hope that the pages you are about to read serve as a humble introduction to our lives, friends, and family. We can't begin to imagine what this journey had been like for you, but we know that your courage and strength will guide you through this, no matter what you ultimately choose.

Dear Expectant Mother

"Thank you for giving us the chance to be a part of your journey"

Luis, Justin and Amelia
As you are considering the best choice for the both of you, we want you to make an informed decision and hope this profile helps in that process. One thing we want you to know is that you matter. The decision you make will affect everyone involved, and it isn't something that should be made lightly. We recognize the pain and the struggle that comes with this decision, and we understand how overwhelming it can be. We also want you to know that whatever you decide, we pray that you feel peace in the end.

Thank you for giving us the chance to be a part of your journey. We appreciate the time we have here with you and hope we have an opportunity to learn more about you in the future.

------------ With love and respect, Luis, Justin and Amelia
Our Why

"We both love being dads and have loved every minute of parenting Amelia."

Justin and Luis at the beach
We have known we wanted to adopt for a long time. As a same-sex couple, we knew we only had a few options for building a family. After carefully weighing all the options, we felt drawn and confident in building our family through adoption. We both love being dads and have loved every minute of parenting Amelia. We want to continue building our family and again feel drawn to adoption. We firmly believe that love makes a family, and we can't wait to welcome another baby to our growing family.
Our Story

"We were surrounded by friends and family and it was a perfect day."

Luis and Justin on a date night
We met through a mutual friend (the internet) and had our first "date" at a Starbucks. Throughout our first date, Justin ate a burrito and although he remembers offering to bring one for Luis, he only brought one for himself.

Even with tortilla stuck in his teeth, we both hit it off really well and couldn't have imagined the journey that this first date at a random Starbucks would lead us on. The city we were in served as a wonderful backdrop while we dated and learned more about one another, building our relationship together and becoming great friends along the way.

Our wedding was in November of 2019. We were married at our church home, the first same-sex couple to be given that honor. We were surrounded by friends and family and it was a perfect day. Since then, we have continued to grow closer and love life together. We aren't naive to think there won't be ups and downs, but we are committed to doing this life together!
Post-Adoption Relationship

Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.

Semi Open (open to an in-person visit before adoption placement, phone, email, sharing pic/letters after placement

Certification Adoption.Org Logo

Gladney Center for Adoption verified this family completed an adoption home study including: background checks, character references, official interviews, required training, home inspection, financial review, etc. and are approved for adoption.


Justin loves cars so we make sure to go to the auto show often!
We love going to concerts! This picture was taken at the Adele concert in Vegas.


About Amelia

Amelia is a very outgoing and energetic 4 year old. She came to your family via adoption when she was only two weeks old. She loves to play pretend, play outside with the neighbor kids, and spend time with her cousin Olivia. She is currently in a bilingual Montessori school and loves asking google how to say different things in Spanish.

About Justin

Justin was born and raised in Texas and is one of two siblings. During his formative years, Justin loved to build computers, complete his Boy Scout merit badges and attend engineering camps. He also loved to play racing video games during his spare time. He attended the University of Texas at San Antonio where he majored in Mechanical Engineering and even started his own medical device company as his senior project. Justin is now a software quality engineer and recently completed a Masters program in software engineering. He loves everything car related and can tell the latest in new car technology and features.

About Luis

Luis is from Illinois and was raised by a single mother of 4. Luis grew up speaking both Spanish and English at home since most of his family immigrated from Mexico. Luis excelled in school and he especially loved social studies and choir. Luis attended Valparaiso University where he graduated with a bachelors in International Business and Chinese and Japanese studies. He loves learning about Asian cultures and has studied abroad in China and lived and worked in Japan. He was a former middle school teacher who went back to graduate school at Indiana University and is now an HR manager. He loves to play board games and hopes to one day have a board game library!

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