Ausencio from Texas

from Texas
- Age 16
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 82256
- My Siblings Juan
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Ausencio is described as a child that is highly intelligent and likes to read. He usually prefers to play independently but will play with and interact with others after a little encouragement. Ausencio is energetic and he is also passionate about animals. He likes to learn about money, astronomy, and robotics. Ausencio enjoys playing video games, playing games on his tablet, and playing with anything that has to do with electronics. He is very creative and likes to build things with Legos. Ausencio is interested in exotic places and learning new things such as geography. He wishes to be on the TV show Battle Bots one day. He is playing school sports this year and enjoys doing this. Football has been his favorite sport to play. Ausencio enjoys spending time with his brother as well.
Meet Ausencio and Juan! These two brothers are both smart and funny! Ausencio and Juan enjoy being able to have each other to talk to when things get tough. They both love going to school and learning new things. Ausencio and Juan are both described as being very intelligent. These brothers are both active and love to do different activities outside. They are not currently in any organized sports but have both voiced an interest in playing football! They like video games, computers, and any other activities that include electronics. Ausencio and Juan have a very tight bond and they love each other very much. Ausencio and Juan hope to continue to be there for each other to lean on as the years go by.
Ausencio will do best in a family who can give him a structured environment. He would respond well to a family that provides guidance and that is nurturing and supportive. Ausencio's forever family will need to provide him with stability and routine.