Averie from Texas

from Texas
- Age 4
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 107572
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Averie is a sweet, friendly, funny, loveable toddler who enjoys being around others. She initially comes off shy, but once she is comfortable with you, she will crawl to you and lighten up your day. Averie is a delighted and affectionate child. She is very curious and likes to explore her surroundings. Averie likes to be constantly moving and loves riding around in her ride of the car. She always loves to be held and talked to. Averie will laugh and babble when she is happy. She always likes to bounce on the ground and in bed. Averie likes to listen to music and will lie in bed while watching a Disney movie like Moana and seems to enjoy these moments. Averie will be a great addition to a loving and caring family.
Averie's forever family will be a loving family that is very supportive of all of her needs. Her family will support her growth and her adventurous personality. Averie's forever family will be one that is patient and understanding.