Benito from Texas

from Texas
- Age 15
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 85704
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Benito is a sweet young boy! He is an expert at puzzles and likes to put them together in his spare time. Benito is an active youth with lots of energy. He enjoys going to the roller-skating park and the trampoline park. He communicates by using some sign language, and he can say two to three-word sentences at times. Benito enjoys reading and looking at colorful books. He loves to eat and has a big appetite! Benito especially loves pancakes, chicken tenders, pepperoni pizza, macaroni and cheese, and candy. He is not much of a vegetable lover, but he will eat romaine lettuce, green beans, and corn which is an accomplishment for him. Benito is a quiet youth at times, but he does like to hum and sing. Benito enjoys reading with someone there to help him. He can use a keyboard very well and is great with any sort of technology, such as tablets or computers. Benito would play video games all day long if he could. He knows how to find his way around online and watch different video clips that interest him. He enjoys watching Disney movies and sings along to them.
Benito's forever family will offer him life-long commitment. His family will be very patient with his unique needs. Benito has a lot of love to offer a family. His family will demonstrate that they are committed to him throughout his life. Benito's family will be knowledgeable about accessing support services for him.