Bentley from Texas

from Texas
- Age 12
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity NA
- Case Number 106447
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Bentley is kind, polite and has a very big heart. He can be honest, expressive, and intelligent. He likes to watch lawn mower and vacuum videos on YouTube and can name just about every vacuum in the world. Bentley enjoys spending most of his time playing with his toys, playing outside, or riding his scooter. He does great in school and his favorite subject in school is physical education because he loves to play sports, especially basketball. Bentley's favorite foods are ice cream, spaghetti, and lasagna and his favorite color is blue. He enjoys going on outings to the movies, main event and bowling. During road trips Bentley likes to make the truckers blow their horns because he is so fascinated with 18-wheelers and tractors.
Bentley's forever family will be patient and provide him with praise when he does something well, along with consistent re-direction. He will thrive in a two-parent home, with a strong male role model. Bentley will do best if he is able to grown-up with older siblings. His family will be structured and will maintain a good daily routine. Bentley would love to have a family that is active and will encourage him to participate in activities that will improve his social skills.