Brandon from Texas

from Texas
- Age 16
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity NA
- Case Number 89297
- Inquire about this child
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Brandon is a youth who has a very outgoing personality and likes to play with buses. He enjoys listening and humming along to nursey rhymes including the wheels on the bus and other classics. He likes to interact with others and can be active at times. Brandon enjoys being sociable with his classmates. He enjoys the structured setting at school that provides him opportunities to try new things. He is friendly and likes to make friends with others. Brandon's favorite food is peanut butter and jelly and he loves to share it with his friends. Some of his other favorite foods include macaroni and cheese and pudding. Brandon likes spending time outdoors enjoying nature and playing. He also enjoys indoor activities where he can watch his favorite cartoons, play with his favorite cards and play interactive games on his tablet.
Brandon's forever family will be one who has lots of patience and dedication to provide for him. He will benefit from having parents who are able to dedicate their time to him. He does best in a structured and predictable environment that can keep him on a schedule.