Cardin from Texas

from Texas
- Age 12
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity African American
- Case Number 105687
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Cardin is full of energy and loves sports, especially basketball. Cardin hopes to play on his school's basketball team and wants a family who will support that desire. You will often find Cardin putting puzzles together in his room and sorting through his Pok?mon collection. He is a big fan of Pok?mon. Cardin thrives when he gets individual attention and when he gets compliments on individual tasks that he completes. He also likes making people laugh, playing video games and watching television. Cardin loves to laugh and enjoys watching funny shows that make him laugh. He especially loves going to the arcade to play games with other children his age. He also loves going out to eat. A stop at McDonald's or Chick Fil-a would be a perfect day for Cardin.
Cardin will do well in a home that has clear rules and boundaries. His forever home will have patience, understanding and provide him unconditional love. Cardin's ideal family would be a two-parent household and he would love to have older siblings.