Chance from Texas

from Texas
- Age 17
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity NA
- Case Number 82549
- Inquire about this child
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Chance is a polite and intelligent youth. He can be funny, hardworking, and fun to be around. He is a very outgoing youth. He enjoys reading and writing. Some of his favorite hobbies are playing video games, building Legos, and listening to music. He does well in school overall. He benefits from guidance that helps him remain on task when needed. He is a thoughtful and an approachable young man. He is articulate and can carry a conversation well when speaking with an adult. He participates in after school extra-curricular activities and is active in his peer support group. He enjoys learning about Criminal Justice and sees himself in a law enforcement career. Chance will be a great addition to a loving, caring and nurturing forever family.
Chance's forever family will be patient, understanding, and willing to work through struggles. Chance's family will be nice yet provides structure and consistency. He desires to be in an environment where he is allowed to exercise his recreational needs. Chance enjoys playing inside or outside. Chance's family will support him having a relationship with. Keeping communication with her is essential for him.