Chaslynn from Texas

from Texas
- Age 16
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity NA
- Case Number 105247
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Chaslynn is a very sweet, caring, and considerate teenage girl. She is very selfless and considerate to other's feelings. Chaslynn is reserve and timid at first, but once she gets to know you she is a ray of sunshine. She is very wise for her age and will often encourage her friends when they are feeling down. Chaslynn is a very committed, loyal, and devoted friend to have. She offers sound advice, love, and positive redirection on trying topics. Chaslynn enjoys putting on and wearing makeup, coloring her hair, getting her nails done, talking and texting, and crafting. Chaslynn's favorite colors are purple, neon, and pink. She likes to also enjoy her own company at times and enjoys going on walks in the neighborhood. Chaslynn also loves to go shopping, go on outings, and watch horror movies. She is very nurturing and would love to assist with caring for an animal. Some of her favorite animals are dogs, cats, and horses. Chaslynn enjoys a challenge and likes to participate in indoor and outdoor activities. She has undergone many obstacles in her past, however she continues to strive and persevere to be the best she can be.
Chaslynn's forever family will be one that is willing to provide her with a loving, nurturing, attentive, and structured living environment. She would do exceptionally well with a family that will offer guidance, patience, consistency, and understanding to all of Chaslynn's needs. Chaslynn would benefit from a family that are clear and precise with rules and expectations and helps her to understand them thoroughly. Chaslynn wants to feel trusted as well be able to trust others. Chaslynn would thrive with a family that takes time to get to know her, spend time with her, and love her unconditionally. Chaslynn also wants a family that will work through issues and not give up on her. Chaslynn desires a single parent or two parent home. Chaslynn is open to living with a smaller sibling or one around her age. Chaslynn is excited about a new family and wants to feel accepted. Her forever family would also need to recognize the importance for continued therapeutic services and to follow any and all recommendations to ensure that Chaslynn's needs are fully met.