Christyle from Texas

from Texas
- Age 15
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity NA
- Case Number 86701
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Christyle is very talkative, outgoing and enjoys spending time with others. Christyle makes friends very easily and likes doing things with her friends, like playing board games and doing each other's hair and nails. Christyle is a very caring child who is very protective of others, especially her friends. Christyle enjoys coloring, arts and crafts, watching movies, swimming, and field trips to the zoo or other activity centers. Christyle does well in school and is a self-starter, her favorite subject is math. Christyle also enjoys playing sports like basketball. Christyle also appreciates being acknowledged for doing well and enjoys it when others encourage her. Christy is a joy to be around and is a spontaneous girl who loves adventure.
Christyle will do best in a home that provides structure by having a daily routine for her to follow, a home that will provide love, support, patience, and encouragement. She will thrive in a home that consists of a mother and father. Christyle will also do best with a family that gives lots of positive feedback and reassurance.