Davian from Texas

from Texas
- Age 12
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 92222
- My Siblings Devin Alizea Julian
- Inquire about this child
- Favorite this child
Davian is a young boy that likes to play soccer and football. He also likes to play Minecraft and play on his Nintendo switch. He would like to learn martial arts. He wants to take a cooking class so he can help his parents cook. His favorite food is pizza and cheeseburgers, and he likes to eat at Chilis. He likes anything chocolate and his favorite dessert is chocolate cake with chocolate icing. Davian's favorite movie is Encanto. He likes to listen to gospel music and his favorite song is 'I can only imagine'. He really likes school and aims to consistently be on the A/B honor roll. His favorite classes are math, science, social studies, and reading. Davian wants to get better at reading and has goals of attending college in the future. He is an animal lover and likes cats. He has fun at the zoo and likes to see the kangaroos there. He even dreams of going to Australia so he can see even more kangaroos. When he grows up he wants to be the Governor of Texas so he can help those without a home. He has a passion for drawing and likes to draw animals. He likes to read about animals such as snakes and tarantulas. He can understand and speak some Spanish. He would like to learn more Spanish. He would also like to take art classes so he could become better at drawing and painting. Davian knows how to play the recorder and would like to learn to play the harmonica. People tell him he is a good artist, and he likes to make origami figurines. Davian says he is good at swinging on the monkey bars, and he likes going to water parks. If he could have 3 wishes, he would wish for a virtual reality set, good parents, and grow up to be a good man.
Devin, Alizea, Davian, and Julian are a fun-loving bunch of siblings. Devin is the oldest of this sibling quartet. Alizea is the only girl and the second oldest. She is nurturing towards her siblings. Davian is the third oldest, and Julian is the youngest of the siblings. This sibling group loves each other very much. They all state that their favorite thing to do is spend time with each other. They have so much personality, and they love playing Uno together. Besides being energetic, enjoyable, and caring, they all light up a room with their beaming smiles. The children enjoy having and caring for pets. Devin, Alizea, Davian, and Julian are smart and quick learners. The children can understand Spanish, and Alizea can even translate when needed. Their relationship with each other is a special and loyal one. This sibling group is very creative, and they like to draw and make things. They look forward to joining an active forever family who enjoys the outdoors as much as they do. The children also look forward to a future together making memories with their family in their forever home! Visit me at the Heart Gallery of West Texas.
Davian's forever family will take time to go on outings and participate in activities with him. His family will take the time to build trust and spend individual time with him to work on a connection with him and his siblings. His parents will provide consistent structure and supervision. Davian will benefit from an active family who enjoys the outdoors and having fun as much as he does. He wants a mom and dad who can give hugs and is able to keep up with his energy! His forever family will help to develop his social skills, improve interpersonal relationships, and show him to respond appropriately to daily experiences. They will nurture him and show him affection. He will do well in a home that offers a routine but that can also be flexible.