Donte from Texas

from Texas
- Age 10
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity African American
- Case Number 92137
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Donte is a friendly, talkative, and energetic child. Donte describes himself as "happy." He loves riding his bicycle, playing outdoors, and going on adventures. When he is outside, he enjoys playing basketball and football with his friends. With support and guidance, he has become successful in school and likes to show off what he's learned. Donte enjoys participating in activities that keep him busy inside or outdoors. When he is indoors, he enjoys playing video games. He thrives off structure and is most successful when given options and can make choices. Donte is continually working on ways to manage his behaviors and develop coping skills to use when he gets upset. Donte's one wish is to have a forever family who he can ride bikes with! Donte will be a great addition to a loving and caring forever familyl.
Donte's forever family will love and care for him for who he is. He loves to be nurtured and shown affection. Donte's family will stick with him through the difficult times and the joyous times. He would benefit from a home with a mother and father. Donte does well with other children, so it is not necessary that he be the only child in the home; however, he would love the extra attention. He has a lot of big feelings and will continue to need support to help him navigate life.