Federico from Texas

from Texas
- Age 15
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 87490
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Federico is a friendly, sweet, and funny child who is active and loves to stay busy. He is constantly engaged in some fun activity whether its indoors or outdoors. Indoors, Federico enjoys playing countless video games, building things with Legos, watching movies, and he especially loves playing with his Pok?mon cards. Federico also likes the outdoors. Federico has an abundance of energy, and he likes to exert it outside. While playing outside, he likes to spend time playing with his tool set or going to the local park to play on the swings, slides, and monkey bars. Federico also likes sports and being competitive. Federico's favorite outing is going to the race car track and racing cars with his friends. He is friendly competitive. Federico enjoys spending time with his friends. He enjoys completing arts and crafts projects in his classroom.
The ideal family for Federico will consist of a loving mother and father. He benefits from a strong father figure or authoritative parent who is also nurturing. Federico will benefit from a family that encourages him to participate in sports. He is ready for his own cheering section! He will thrive in a family that will meet his needs. Having a parent with a flexible schedule or a stay-at-home parent could be in his best interest.