Gari'sen from Texas

from Texas
- Age 14
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity NA
- Case Number 107892
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Gari'Sen, who prefers to go by Gari, is a sweet, energetic, resilient and loving teenage girl. She enjoys going to school and plans to possibly go to college after she graduates from high school. Gari's favorite subject is math although ELA is her runner up. She has written beautiful, heart-tugging poetry about her life experiences. Gari is a fashionista and loves to create cute yet functional outfits. She would like to learn to drive and have her own job one day. Gari is very artistic and musically inclined. She plays the trumpet in her school band. She enjoys drawing, reading, and listening to music in her free time. Gari makes friends easily and enjoys spending time with them roller blading, skateboarding, cooking, and dancing. Some of Gari's favorite things to eat include pasta, Mexican food, and Chinese food.
Gari's forever family will provide her with a safe and loving home where she can feel reassured about her future. Gari is excited about the possibility of being adopted. She will thrive in a traditional or nontraditional home. The best suitable home for Gari will be one where she is the only child however Gari would do well having an older sibling. Her family would ideally be trauma informed. Her family should be active and encourage Gari to participate in extracurricular activities at school or in the community. Her family should be knowledgeable of resources in their area to ensure a smooth transition to her forever home. Her family should also have a strong support system within the family, community, and adoption agency.