Geraldine from Texas

from Texas
- Age 11
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 89306
- Inquire about this child
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Geraldine is sweet, energetic, loving, and full of life! She loves being both indoors and outdoors. Geraldine likes dancing, cheerleading, singing, and horses. She enjoys helping around the house and playing with the dog in her placement. Geraldine loves watching Disney movies and pretending to be a Disney princess. Some other activities Geraldine enjoys are playing games, basketball, and riding her bike or scooter. She also likes reading, coloring, and playing with her dolls. Geraldine's favorite foods include pizza, tacos, and spaghetti. One of her favorite hobbies is spending some time at the library. At school, Geraldine likes math, science, and social studies classes. She has a social, friendly, and active personality. Geraldine enjoys being the center of attention and loves to get compliments when she does a good job.
Geraldine's family will provide a loving and caring environment. She will also benefit from a family with experience dealing with active children who require supervision. Her forever family will be structured, have clear and concise expectations, and offer support. Geraldine's family will praise her and help her with schoolwork. Geraldine longs to be part of a forever family and build great memories with them. Geraldine is an intelligent child who understands rules and can be redirected when needed.