Henry from Texas

from Texas
- Age 13
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 109595
- Inquire about this child
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Henry is a polite and friendly youth. He is active and enjoys playing baseball and volleyball. He is looking forward to being able to join a baseball team so that he can play each season and continue to develop his skills. Henry enjoys spending time socializing with those around him. In his free time, he enjoys playing video games. Henry really enjoys doing arts and crafts and noted that he likes to draw whenever possible as it allows him to relax and free his mind to be open. Henry continues to grow as a person and has expressed aspiring dreams of which he would like to one day reach. As an individual that loves to help others, he has expressed a desire to go into the medical field to continue helping others. Henry will be a wonderful addition to a loving forever family.
Henry would love a forever home with two parents. Henry wants to feel loved, wanted and be cared for. Henry would like to be surrounded by parents who work hard so he too can learn from them especially since he would like to be a doctor.