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Irionna from Texas



from Texas

Irionna is a happy, inquisitive child who sometimes presents as reserved. She likes going to school; her favorite subjects are math and reading. Irionna also enjoys art and loves to paint. She has expressed interest in extracurriculars such as softball in the spring. A few of Irionna's favorite hobbies are swimming, gymnastics, and drawing. She loves to play with her LOL dolls and baby dolls--Irionna also likes getting dressed up in her makeup and jewelry. Sketching and making bracelets are a few activities she likes to do. Irionna says that her sister and foster siblings make her laugh, joke, and riddle. Activities Irionna likes to do with others are talking with her friends, having sleepovers, and going places with her family. She was asked, "If you could have two wishes granted, what would they be?" Irionna responded, "I wish I had a phone and more money." Irionna wants others to know that she is helpful.

Janiya and Irionna are very close sisters. They interact well with one another. Janiya is a very good and supportive big sister to Irionna. Janiya helps Irionna in many ways. Janiya is patient with her little sister and tries to understand Irionna's perspective. Janiya also helps her sister through tough times by being supportive and encouraging. Irionna emulates Janiya and tries to act older to fit in with Janiya and her friends. Janiya and Irionna get along very well and quickly work out any differences they encounter. The sisters have many things in common. Janiya and Irionna love participating in Girl Scouts and enjoy attending church with their caregivers. Janiya and Irionna enjoy making jewelry together and learning new makeup techniques to try on one another. Both of them like nachos and love playing with their makeup. Janiya loves being on her phone, and Irionna tinkers on her play phone while wishing for an actual phone. Both girls desire to find their forever family.

Irionna's forever family will be one who supports her sibling connections. Her forever family will need to provide an environment of laughter, as Irionna loves to laugh and joke. She would be best served by a family who will encourage her inquisitive personality.

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