Jacob from Texas

from Texas
- Age 12
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 107289
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Jacob is an energetic, outgoing, and intelligent young man. Jacob wants to be a Marine Biologist when he grows up. He loves playing video games, swimming, playing football and basketball, going to amusement parks, and watching movies. He also likes country music, Pok?mon, and Beyblades. He also loves eating pizza and enjoys math as his favorite subject in school. Jacob is a good student, makes friends with his peers easily, and loves being active and engaged with kids his age. Jacob's favorite is playing video games on his tablet or gaming console. He also likes watching videos online and watching others play video games online. Jacob recently discovered that he likes baseball, enjoys having a catch outside, and wants to play on a baseball team sometime in the future.
Jacob's ideal family would be a two-parent household with lots of structure. He responds well to a loving and nurturing father figure as a role model and disciplinarian. Jacob will also respond well to having a very nurturing and supportive mother, and both parents need to be firm in their guidance of Jacob. Jacob is an affectionate child, as he craves attention, likes to give and receive hugs, and bonds well with people.