


Age: 30

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian


Age: 32

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age

Gender: Either

Special Needs: Open to discussion

Basic Info

Age: 30

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian

Denomination: Catholic


Age: 32

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian

Denomination: Catholic

Work & Education

Education: Master's Degree

Profession: Elementary School Counselor


Education: Bachelor's Degree

Profession: Petroleum Engineer

Post-Adoption Relationship

Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.

Semi Open (open to an in-person visit before adoption placement, phone, email, sharing pic/letters after placement


Country: USA

State: Louisiana

Parent Relationship: Married

Parent Neighborhood: Country

Parent Years Together: 5 to 10 years

Parent Residency: House

Parent Pets: Two dogs: Golden Retriever/Irish Setter mix

Children At Home: No children

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual parents

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age

Gender: Either

Special Needs: Open to discussion

Certification Adoption.Org Logo

Gladney Center for Adoption verified this family completed an adoption homestudy including: background checks, character references, official interviews, required training, home inspection, financial review, etc. and are approved for adoption.


Our Family
These cuties can not wait to be big cousins!
These cuties can not wait to be big cousins!
Matt's family
Matt's family
Kirsten's family
Kirsten's family
Mardi Gras is always fun with these two.
Mardi Gras is always fun with these two.
They love Uncle Matt!
They love Uncle Matt!
Kirsten and her grandmother. They have a strong bond.
Kirsten and her grandmother. They have a strong bond.
Escape room with the family
Escape room with the family
Movies with Nanny
Movies with Nanny
Kirsten's cousin that introduced them and his wife. Uncle Andy and Aunt Erin
Kirsten's cousin that introduced them and his wife. Uncle Andy and Aun...
Annual Gingerbread Decorating Contest
Annual Gingerbread Decorating Contest
Kirsten’s siblings and three nieces
Kirsten’s siblings and three nieces
Kirsten’s grandparents. GJ and Papa. They are the best role models ❤️
Kirsten’s grandparents. GJ and Papa. They are the best role models ❤️
Uncle Griffin and cousin Beckett
Uncle Griffin and cousin Beckett
Uncle Hayden and Aunt Jaci
Uncle Hayden and Aunt Jaci
Cousins Sawyer, Fallon and Jana
Cousins Sawyer, Fallon and Jana
Aunt Carlie, Uncle Ethan, Sawyer, Fallon and Jana
Aunt Carlie, Uncle Ethan, Sawyer, Fallon and Jana
Mimi, Papa, Uncle Landon and Uncle Davin
Mimi, Papa, Uncle Landon and Uncle Davin
Aunt Meg
Aunt Meg
Mimi and Nanny/Aunt Carlie
Mimi and Nanny/Aunt Carlie
Kirsten's family
Kirsten's family
Rosie and Ranger
He loves swimming
He loves swimming
They love car rides. Especially if it means going to their bestie Willow's house!
They love car rides. Especially if it means going to their bestie Will...
She only likes swimming if it's in a lake.
She only likes swimming if it's in a lake.
Ranger ❤️
Ranger ❤️
Rosie ❤️
Rosie ❤️
Our Travels
Disney World
Disney World
Couples Ski Trip
Couples Ski Trip
North Cascades National Park with friends
North Cascades National Park with friends
Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon
Seattle Washington
Seattle Washington
Alaskan Cruise
Alaskan Cruise
Mammoth Cave
Mammoth Cave
Hiking in Colorado with both of our sisters
Hiking in Colorado with both of our sisters
Sailboat Cruise on our honeymoon
Sailboat Cruise on our honeymoon
Natchez Balloon Festival
Natchez Balloon Festival
Alaskan Cruise
Alaskan Cruise


Kirsten's cousin set us up on sort of a blind date. As the saying goes, "the rest is history"
Our Story

We are truly best friends and enjoy being able to go through this journey of life together.

Dear expectant parents,
We both meet here with our own unique stories that brought us here. We aren't sure if either of us would have thought we would be here today, learning more about each other and even ourselves. But we are both here because we have love in our hearts. Even though we don't know each other right now, know that we support you. We pray that you have someone or find someone who understands you and makes you feel like you are not alone. As we have learned, you're never alone! There are numerous parents that are in the shoes you are currently in, with their own unique circumstances that have brought them there. We hope you find them so you feel understood! Adoption can make a child's story unique as well and can provide them with more love than just two parents. The day we...

Dear expectant parents,
We both meet here with our own unique stories that brought us here. We aren't sure if either of us would have thought we would be here today, learning more about each other and even ourselves. But we are both here because we have love in our hearts. Even though we don't know each other right now, know that we support you. We pray that you have someone or find someone who understands you and makes you feel like you are not alone. As we have learned, you're never alone! There are numerous parents that are in the shoes you are currently in, with their own unique circumstances that have brought them there. We hope you find them so you feel understood! Adoption can make a child's story unique as well and can provide them with more love than just two parents. The day we adopt a child, they will always know their story and where they came from. We pray that you have a healthy pregnancy with a healthy child. You have created one of God's most precious gifts that He will ever offer this world. We pray that they feel the warmth of a mother's love. That they have hands to hold and receive many hugs and kisses. That they do not feel alone and that they are comforted with a support system that they can trust. We pray that their life is full of fun adventures filled with peace and happiness. That they receive a life full of opportunities. We can not imagine the struggles that you must be going through, but know that we admire your strength and courage. We know that it might not seem like it now, but you are very brave. Trust in yourself and know that you will make the right decision for both you and your child, whether that decision be to parent or to continue with creating an adoption plan.

Our Why

All of the signs kept pointing toward adoption.

All of our future children will be able to share in the uniqueness of being adopted.
Adoption has always been something that we felt was placed on our hearts. We discussed the desire to adopt while we were dating. Of course, we also wanted to have our own biological children. Once we were married, we very quickly started trying to have a baby. We tried for almost 6 years. In March 2022, we got the devastating news that we had a very low chance of ever conceiving our own child. After receiving the news, our doctor gave us a few paths that we could choose to grow our family. We prayed very hard for God to help us to figure out what His plan was for us. All of the signs kept pointing toward adoption. When we finally sat down and officially decided to adopt, we immediately felt like it was the right decision. We feel like adoption was meant for us from the very beginning. We plan to adopt more than one child in order to grow our family. All of our future children will be able to share in the uniqueness of being adopted. We are so excited to be on this journey and look forward to meeting the wonderful people that will be bringing life to our future children.
Meet Us

Our personalities are very much opposite in a lot of ways. But because we share the same values and desires in life, this makes us a great team.

Matt will go above and beyond to make sure that he is providing the best life for his children and I can’t wait to watch him become a father.
We met in college in October 2014 at a Clay Walker concert. Kirsten's cousin set us up on sort of a blind date. As the saying goes, "the rest is history". We dated for about a year and a half before Matt proposed. Exactly two and a half years after we met, we got married in April 2017. From the beginning, we have had a very fun and supportive relationship. We are truly best friends and enjoy being able to go through this journey of life together.
Meet Matt
Matt is a true gem. I am so blessed that he chose me to walk through this journey of life with. He is so thoughtful and kind. He does the little things to make you feel special. Matt is very humble and hates when the attention is on him. He is an introvert and needs his alone time in order to recharge. He loves going hunting, not just for the sport of it, but because he finds peace in being alone in nature. That is his happy place, which is why I am happy even when he often comes home with no meat for the freezer. Matt is an extremely hard worker. He gives 110% to everything he does, which is a big reason why I know he will make the best father. He is a petroleum engineer at a family friendly company. He will have the flexibility to be home for our children’s most important moments. He is a true provider, often putting himself on the back burner just to be sure that his family has what they need. Matt is a lifelong learner, always trying to learn more about the subjects that interest him or researching ways to improve himself. He is a huge overthinker, but it’s only because he truly cares about being the best version of himself for his growing family. He is my biggest supporter in life. Always trying to make sure that I am doing things that make me happy. We have been through a lot together and I couldnt imagine having anyone else by my side through the tough times. I love him more and more each and every day. Kids absolutely love him. Although he is usually more reserved, once you get to know him, he is very silly and goofy and fun to be around. I think my nieces love Uncle Matt more than they love Nanny. I believe that's because children can sense just how genuine he is when he interacts with them. He will go above and beyond to make sure that he is providing the best life for his children and I can’t wait to watch him become a father.
Meet Kirsten
Kirsten is the kindest person I know. She is very sociable and extraverted. This is very much the opposite of me! Although, we are starting to balance each other out. I realized pretty early on that no one had anything bad to say about her. And my family and friends loved her. Some of us have even compared her to her grandmother who she is close to and we all love very much. Our personalities are very much opposite in a lot of ways. But because we share the same values and desires in life, this makes us a great team. Kirsten is smart and trustworthy. She loves holidays and spending that time with family. All three of her nieces would probably say that she is their best friend. Her godchild loves her. Her love for photography will mean that our child will be photographed a lot! Her experience as a teacher and now as a counselor, leaves me no doubt that she will make sure her kids educational needs and emotional needs are met. She will probably skip math homework and teach them about whales instead! And they may even be suckered into watching too many Hallmark Christmas movies. My capacity for love has grown since Kirsten entered my life. I can't wait to see her become a mom so that we can grow our family even larger and share our travels and journey through life with them.
Our Promise

It will always be my mission to provide them happiness and peace in their lives.

I want my children to know that what they have to say is important and it does matter. I will raise them to be kind and caring always.
I promise to provide a safe and loving environment. I will create a space where they will know that they can voice their feelings and opinions without judgement. They will know that they have a mother that will help them learn to cope with those feelings so that they will be able to handle any situation that life may throw their way. I want them to feel comfortable coming to me about anything, even if they did make a mistake. I want them to feel heard. As a school counselor, I have noticed that so many children nowadays don’t feel like what they say matters. I want my children to know that what they have to say is important and it does matter. I will raise them to be kind and caring always. They will learn to respect adults and how to respect themselves too. I will teach them how to love themselves because God created them to be exactly who they are for a reason. I will always be their biggest supporter in anything that they choose to do. I want to help them find their passion in life. I will teach them to believe in themselves and to always keep trying, even if things get hard. They will know that they will have a mother in their corner, always. We will have fun and be silly. We will laugh and play games and have family car jam sessions. I will provide the best experiences for them. I will love them with everything in me.
Love, Kirsten

I will lead by example. As someone who is always striving to better myself and be the best version of myself, I know I will provide for them what a father should provide. I promise to be a protector and a mentor. I will be present. I will make them laugh. They will have the best education and eat the best food. They will travel and see other places. As they grow up, I will help them find their calling and purpose in life. I will be supportive and provide the resources for them to be the best version of themselves. I will show them how to be respectful to others and be respected by others. It will always be my mission to provide them happiness and peace in their lives. My son will know how to treat a woman. My daughter will know how she should be treated by a man. By watching my own actions, they will see how to be a great friend, spouse, sibling, student, teammate, worker, and one day, a parent themselves. When they become an adult, they will have the tools and support to tackle the problems that life may throw their way. Me and Kirsten are committed to building a life together and I know we have great things ahead of us, and they will be a part of the journey. Their character will be a reflection of how I’m doing as a father. I will inspire greatness and I hope they will inspire greatness in others as well. I want them to create a life worth admiring. I want them to be proud of themselves and someone you would be proud of as well. I want to see our child do great things in life.
Love, Matt
Post-Adoption Relationship

Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.

Semi Open (open to an in-person visit before adoption placement, phone, email, sharing pic/letters after placement

Certification Adoption.Org Logo

Gladney Center for Adoption verified this family completed an adoption home study including: background checks, character references, official interviews, required training, home inspection, financial review, etc. and are approved for adoption.


Jacob and Amber (Longtime Friends)

Matt and Kirsten will make terrific parents as they are solidly grounded in their faith, their character, and their kindness. I have no doubts that they would instill those great values in their child. Any child would be blessed to call Kirsten and Matt Mom and Dad.

Jacob and Amber Endorsed Kind, Family oriented, Friendly, Loving, Caring, dependable, Trustworthy, Fun, Honest, Humble

Favorite Image
Favorite Image

Jacob and Amber

Longtime Friends

Matt and Kirsten will make terrific parents as they are solidly grounded in their faith, their character, and their kindness. I have no doubts that they would instill those great values in their child. Any child would be blessed to call Kirsten and Matt Mom and Dad.

Jacob and Amber Endorsed Kind, Family oriented, Friendly, Loving, Caring, dependable, Trustworthy, Fun, Honest, Humble

Favorite Image

Dane and Caroline


My husband, Dane, and Matthew are cousins. Although only cousins, Matthew and Kirsten mean so much more to our family than that. They are such kind, hard working, loving people. They are very family oriented. They treat our children as their own. They are always lending advice and encouragement when we need it. We think any child would be so fortunate to call them their parents. We pray that God opens a door for them through this opportunity so that they can be a blessing to another family and child just as they have been to our family.

Dane and Caroline Endorsed Family oriented, Understanding, Friendly, Loving, Caring, dependable, Ambitious, Trustworthy, Thoughtful, Fun, Honest, Humble, Kind

Favorite Image



I’m Matt’s mom. I was young when I had Matt so you can say we grew up together. I am so very proud of the wonderful young man he turned out to be. I didn’t think I could ever love anyone as much as I love him and his sister , that was until he brought Kirsten home . She is now MY daughter. I love her like she was my own daughter. She is the most kind, sincere and caring person. They both are amazing with their nieces and nephew and godchildren. Anyone going through what they have gone through trying to become parents would probably have wanted to give up but they have held their head high and continued the fight to fulfill their lifelong dream to be parents. I always remember Matt saying they would adopt and have their own children. I found that to be very honorable that they felt such a strong urge to not only share the love they had in their hearts with their children but with others as well. They have not been blessed with any biological children of their own. Sometimes God has bigger plans for us. We may not understand the whole thing but the trust is there for these two. They believe that adoption is their calling and they are going to be wonderful parents one day.

Kerrie Endorsed Family oriented, Understanding, Friendly, Loving, Caring, dependable, Ambitious, Trustworthy, Thoughtful, Fun, Honest, Humble, Kind

Favorite Image



As a Father/Stepfather I whole-heartedly admire and commend Kirsten and Matt for their love and support of one another. I do not consider myself anything other than her father and do not think of the word stepfather. To clarify, her father passed away a year before I met her mother. I was blessed to meet the 2 girls, Kirsten and Carlie. I had two boys of my own prior to meeting her mother, Trisha. My boys and I instantly fell in love with them. At that point we had our larger-than-life family that was built on love, respect, and consideration of everyone's feelings. I am telling this background because it's important to understand how Kirsten grew as a child, young lady and now a woman understanding what it is like not having a biological parent around, but at the same time she was able to see that there is someone out there that is willing to love her just as much. As time grew so did our family. Trisha and I had 2 more boys making a total of 6 kids. It did not stop there, now our children are having children 4 grandkids total. During this time, we sat back and watched Matt and Kirsten love each one of their nieces and nephews as if they were their own flesh and blood children, all along knowing they may never conceive a child themselves, which was heartbreaking as a parent. All the while, as Kirsten grew, she always said she would adopt even if she had her own children because those kids deserve love too. Knowing the obstacles of conceiving, Matt and Kirsten held their heads high continuing their careers to put themselves in a financial and emotional position to adopt a deserving child and give them all the love that any parent could give a child. Going back a bit, Matt stepped into Kirstens life ultimately not knowing that conceiving was going to be a struggle. That did not not stop him from loving her unconditionally. Matt was raised by loving parents, and it shows in his disposition, so for him it is easy to support his wife along with his own personal feelings of saying he would one day adopt. Matt is the guy that will always put himself second regarding love of his immediate family and our extended family. After writing this it is very easy to ask myself, my entire family, and others around our small community, "If I could choose a parent that would take care of my own children and will love them unconditionally without judgement while providing emotional support, guidance and life goals, who would I leave my child with indefinitely?" Our Answer: MATT AND KIRSTEN

Garrett Endorsed Family oriented, Understanding, Friendly, Loving, Caring, dependable, Ambitious, Trustworthy, Thoughtful, Fun, Honest, Humble, Kind

Favorite Image



My daughter, Kirsten, has dreamed of having children since she was a little girl. She was always quick to lend a helping hand with her five younger siblings, showing patience and compassion. Her nurturing personality seemed so natural in adapting to each of their different ages and needs. I feel that has played such a huge part in her success as an elementary school counselor. While completing college, Kirsten met Matt. Soon after both graduated, I was blessed to call him my son-in-law. He is smart, humble, and has the kindest heart. Our grandchildren all tend to gravitate to him at family functions. Both are dependable and family-oriented. They share such a wonderful connection in their marriage with trust, honesty, and respect. It is safe to say they are each other’s best friend. As they have gone through this journey, I have listened to Kirsten and Matt speak about the gratitude and admiration of courage they share for the birth parents who are considering a safe and nurturing home for their little ones. These two truly deserve to be parents and any child would be lucky to have them in their life!

Trisha Endorsed Kind, Humble, Honest, Fun, Thoughtful, Trustworthy, Ambitious, dependable, Caring, Loving, Friendly, Understanding, Family oriented

Favorite Image



The first word that comes to mind when I think of Kirsten is genuine. What she says is who she is and it shows in many areas of her life. She is compassionate about her work and children in general. She has a heart for helping others and when she has an interest in something, she is all in. Kirsten and Matt are a solid couple, and a precious child placed in their care will be truly loved and will have an amazing life.

Karen Endorsed Kind, Humble, Honest, Fun, Trustworthy, dependable, Caring, Friendly, Family oriented

Favorite Image


Best Friends

The most deserving couple. I can't wait for these two to experience the joys of parenthood. I know they are beyond ready, and any child placed in their loving and caring arms will have the absolute best life.

Christin Endorsed Kind, Humble, Honest


Our Travels

We love traveling and exploring this great big world together. We take at least one vacation a year. Our goal is to visit all of the national parks in the United States. We can't wait to start seeing the world through our children's eyes. We want to be able to provide them with a life full of adventure and fun.

Our Values

We value family time. We absolutely love the little family that we have already created and we can not wait to continue growing our family through adoption. We will sit and eat dinner together every night. That is a tradition that Kirsten's family always had while she was growing up that we want to continue with our family. We want to have regular family game nights or movie nights. We value God and the role that He plays in our lives. We are Catholic and go to church regularly. We plan to teach our children about the love of God. We also value being kind to others and want to raise our children to be good citizens of the world.

Our Hobbies/Interests

Kirsten enjoys genealogy. She is a huge history buff. She also loves reading, mainly murder mystery books. Kirsten also loves photography. She enjoys taking landscape photos. She loves learning about the ocean. She specifically loves learning about whales. Orcas are her favorite marine mammal, she can talk about them for hours. Matt enjoys going deer hunting. He enjoys learning and bettering himself in all aspects of life. He enjoys watching UFC fights. He loves cooking on the grill and eating good food. He also enjoys exercising and loves challenging himself. He dreams of owning a lot of land! As a family, we enjoy traveling and camping in our camper. We love learning about different cultures around the world through our travels.

Our Loved Ones

Matt grew up with two loving, supportive parents and an amazing little sister. He is close to all of them. Although his immediate family is small, he has a large extended family. The extended family does not get together often but have a tight family bond. He really values and appreciates the way he was raised and the childhood that he had. He really appreciates the friends he has and the unique relationship he has with each. They are like brothers to him. Our future child will be the first grandchild on his side of the family and will be extremely spoiled. Kirsten has a large family. When she was little, she was raised by her wonderful parents and had two sisters. Tragically, her dad died when she was only six years old. Her mom remarried an amazing man a few years later and she gained two step brothers. Her mom and stepdad then had two more children together. We now have four nieces and nephews who can not wait to be big cousins! We are close to all of Kirsten's family. She also has a very large extended family that we love hanging out with.

Our Fur Babies

Rosie and Ranger are litter mates. They are an irish setter/golden retriever mix. They are five years old. Rosie is very gentle and the protector of the house. She is very vocal and her signature bark lets you know she wants to be heard. She loves chin scratches and running freely outside. She is a daddy's girl. Ranger is a big ole baby. He is always hungry and loves his belly rubs. He loves to swim and gets very jealous anytime Rosie is getting attention. He's very loyal and is a Momma's boy. They are very spoiled and receive the finest care, food and treats. Everyone they come in contact with falls in love with them. They are so ready to have a human sibling that may sneak them more food and treats!

Home Sweet Home

We recently bought our first home in Louisiana about twenty minutes from Kirsten’s hometown. Kirsten’s cousin that introduced us in college lives about a mile down the road. We are very close to him and his wife. Matt's family lives only an hour away and we visit them often. It is very quiet and peaceful. The house sits on 6 acres of land, so we have plenty of room for a child to play. We have a four bedroom, three bathroom house. Two of the bedrooms are ready for a child and the nursery has its own bathroom. We are so excited to grow our family in our new house!

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