Jaden from Texas

from Texas
- Age 17
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity NA
- Case Number 86167
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Jaden is a sweet and loving child who enjoys music and musical instruments, playing with his toys, and spending time outdoors. He enjoys playing on his school's football team. Like a lot of boys his age, Jaden loves playing video games. He often can be seen wearing a big smile on his face. Jaden can be described as resilient and affectionate with a great sense of humor. He does well in school. Jaden can be independent and strong-willed, but he is working on learning ways to effectively manage his behavior. Jaden is an active child with a lot of energy who can easily be distracted. He enjoys indoor and outdoor activities. Jaden sometimes struggles to maintain friendships with other children. Jaden is attached to his sibling and maintains phone contact with her. Visit me at the The Heart Gallery of Central Texas.
Jaden would do well with a family that is able to provide a loving, structured and consistent environment. A family that is able to offer patience, understanding, and continued guidance would be beneficial for Jaden and his continued personal growth. Jaden desires a forever family that will be committed to him for the rest of his life. The ideal family would need to recognize the need and importance for continued therapeutic services to ensure Jaden's needs are being fully met so that he can live a happy and productive life. The family would also need to spend a lot of one-on-one time with Jaden and be willings to access the resources he needs. Jaden will do well in either a single parent or a two-parent household that can provide the time and attention he deserves. He would not do well in a home with female children. Jaden has expressed a strong desire for a family. Jaden would like to be the only child in the home.