Jamell from Texas

from Texas
- Age 9
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity African American
- Case Number 108642
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Jamell is a sweet little boy who loves to laugh and smile; he even laughs at his own jokes. He has been described as a ray of sunshine. He loves engaging in conversation with his peers and adults. Jamell enjoys playing with various toys, such as blocks and trucks. He has voiced that he likes coloring in coloring books as well. He loves to watch cartoons and movies on the television, especially the show "Miraculous." He doesn't get scared very easily, and he loves scary movies! Jamell really likes football, and his favorite team is the Kansas City Chiefs. He has now started collecting football cards. Jamell loves to eat, and his favorite snack is hot Cheetos! Jamell is very outgoing and has a huge personality.
Jamell will need patience and understanding from his caregivers. He will also benefit from routine and structure with clear explanations. His forever family will be supportive. Jamell mentioned that he enjoys being close to his sisters.