James from Texas

from Texas
- Age 17
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity NA
- Case Number 108434
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James is a very kind-hearted and soft-spoken youth. He is described as a smart and cordial teenager who is responsible and independent. James enjoys going to school to further his knowledge and grow his skillset. He does well academically and has excellent grades. He is very proud of his school performance. James makes friends easily and is easy to get along with. James is very artistic and loves to doodle, paint, and draw. He likes creating art that allows him to express himself openly. James also enjoys musical theatre and the performing arts. He enjoys getting into character and acting out the storyline. James has a unique interest in cars. He would love to own his automotive shop and work on a project car one day.
James is soft-spoken, therefore his forever family will be one that understands his gentle, yet artistic side. James wants a family that understands that he is a kid and will make mistakes. Overall, James has a desire to feel wanted and loved by a family that he can call his own.