Ja'mia from Texas

from Texas
- Age 14
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity African American
- Case Number 109434
- Inquire about this child
- Favorite this child
Ja'Mia loves God and feels that church and related activities should be a priority. It's important for her to be able to participate in everyday activities for kids her age. For example, she lists some of her favorite activities as skating and doing science experiments. Ja'Mia also listed painting as one of her favorite hobbies, along with running track and watching television. She enjoys spending her free time playing with stitch toys and fidget gadgets and listening to music on her MP3 player. She is also into arts and crafts, playing games, shopping, and playing basketball. Ja'Mia's favorite foods are seafood, Chinese foods, and nachos. Ja'Mia was asked if she could be granted wishes and what they would be. She wishes to be adopted and to have a lot of money to be a millionaire. Funny people make her laugh.
Ja'Mia has expressed that she wishes to have a family consisting of a man and a woman or perhaps a single mom. It's important for Ja'Mia that her family loves God and attends church regularly, which would allow her to participate in youth activities. She wants her forever family to have home-cooked meals and loves animals. Ja'Mia feels strongly that her adoptive family should support her desire to be involved in normalcy activities.