Jason from Texas

from Texas
- Age 16
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity NA
- Case Number 87386
- Inquire about this child
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Jason is a very friendly, talkative, and insightful young man. He is fascinated by numbers and enjoys playing games that are number based. Jason loves animals and is very close to the family cats. Jason would love to be able to have a pet of his own someday; it is one of the things on his bucket list. Jason is diagnosed with Autism. Jason also loves Pok?mon and playing video games. He enjoys his alone time and being able to walk around outside. He enjoys many different foods, but his absolute favorite is pizza! He does well with others. Jason can be redirected and as well as apologized for his actions. He does well in school and is on track to finish on time. Jason is very friendly and has a great sense of humor.
Jason's forever family who understands Autism Spectrum Disorder. His family will be extremely structured. He will do best in a two-parent home with strong role models. Jason's forever family will be patient and ready to help him learn to make good choices. His family will understand his diagnosis and will be ready to give a lot of love and patience. His family will be resourceful and able to ensure he gets the services he needs. Jason wants a family that enjoys staying home and takes walks outside. He would like a sibling but would be fine as an only child as well. He would like a mom and dad but has no preference. Jason has lived in the city and the country, so location is not a big deal to him. Overall, he would love a family that has animals and games for him to play. Jason is ready to be part of a family.