Jayden from Texas

from Texas
- Age 11
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 103067
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Jayden is a sweet and loving boy who always likes interaction with people. He enjoys being around others, including his school peers and his caregivers. He enjoys being outside, either going for a walk, swinging on the swings, climbing obstacles, kicking a soccer ball around, or interacting with other children. He is non-verbal and autistic. Jayden has persevered in meeting some daily living tasks. He can dress and undress himself, and he's working o improve his skills with utensil usage during meals. Jayden continues to work on gaining more independent life skills training and will sometimes affirm verbal cues in his time of need. He uses verbal cues to communicate his multiple wants and needs with his caregiver. Jayden loves the water and enjoys playing in water and puddles. Jayden loves the water.
Jayden's forever family will be patient, nurturing, and compassionate. His family will be flexible and able to adapt to all of Jayden's needs. It would be beneficial for his family to be educated/experienced in working with Jayden's disabilities and be supportive of the services to meet his basic, therapeutic, and special needs. Jayden would love to have a family who will have him around multiple people, such as an extended network of friends and family. Jayden would do well with a two parent household.