Jazzalena from Texas

from Texas
- Age 16
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 102547
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Jazz is a very outgoing girl who enjoys being very active physically. She likes doing things such as playing basketball, swimming, taking a walk. She likes making friends at her own pace. She enjoys watching various shows on T.V. or movies that are popular for those her age. As a teenager, she enjoys shopping. She especially enjoys shopping for athletic shoes. Jazz can sometimes be very reactive when she feels cornered. She does best when she is provided options to think through situations and make appropriate choices. She benefits from educational support. She is a survivor in every sense of the word. She has weathered a great deal to be where she is in this world. Jazz will be a great addition to a loving and caring forever family.
Jazz's forever family will be patient, have experience raising teens and/or working with children. Her family will invest in her educational success and will advocate for her in this area of her life. Her family will assist her in developing positive coping skills. Jazz desires more than anything to be accepted for who she is and to have a family that practices forgiveness. Her family will be active and engage in a variety of activities together that will be beneficial to Jazz.