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Jeremaih from Texas



from Texas

Jeremaih is a creative youth who aspires to become a video game designer. Jeremaih enjoys being active, especially when he has the opportunity to participate in outdoor activities such as basketball and football. Jeremaih finds relaxation and joy in the strategic world of video games. He considers himself a professional gamer and welcomes friendly competition. He has a hearty appetite and can demolish a juicy burger or a cheesy pizza. He also loves anime, especially Naruto! Though sometimes shy, Jeremaih enjoys social activities like summer camps and spending time with family and friends. He finds joy in making new connections and thrives in supportive environments. He's a valuable helper at home who seeks to be helpful when he can. Jeremaih finds joy in spending time with loved ones, whether playing outside, shooting hoops, or simply hanging out.

Jeremaih desires a two-parent home with a strong male role model. He flourishes in a structured environment with consistent routines and clear expectations. He thrives from positive reinforcement. An active lifestyle is important to Jeremaih, and he enjoys video games. Ideally, his forever family will be understanding and supportive of his interests and needs.

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