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Joe from Texas



from Texas

Joe is a fun-loving youth who enjoys being outside, shooting baskets, riding bikes, or throwing around a football. Joe is a natural athlete and excels at just about any sport that he tries. He likes watching football and basketball on TV and thinks going to watch high school or college games would be fun too. Joe also enjoys watching tv, listening to music and playing sports related video games. Joe like to take walks in the evenings and go fishing with friends. Joe likes to have friends come over or go over to their home. He is well liked by peers and can connect with significant adults in his life. Joe has an inquisitive mind and likes to learn by asking a lot of questions. He enjoys learning new things and really enjoys PE and being able to see his friends at school.

Joe will benefit from a very structured setting with a family who will firmly guide him in making good choices. A family with children of a similar age or older would be best for Joe. An older brother who could model good behavioral choices for Joe, or a sister who is older and athletic could be good fits for him. Joe will do well with a two-parent family or with an independent single male parent. His family will maintain his supportive services as needed. Joe's family will need to be trained in specific strategies to assure he is given a voice and he is able to build trust.

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