Jordan from Texas

from Texas
- Age 15
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity NA
- Case Number 103610
- Inquire about this child
- Favorite this child
Jordan is a fun and loving child who is full of energy. He enjoys reading books as he finds them very interesting, and he likes to use his imagination when reading them. Jordan is especially into the Harry Potter collection as he loves the story line along with the characters and he is currently working on finishing the complete series. Jordan also enjoys having conversations with his friends and just hanging out with them. He is easy going and likes going with the flow of things. Jordan also enjoys playing sports like basketball and soccer which are his favorites. Jordan loves to make people laugh by telling them jokes or just being silly. He also loves watching movies. His favorite movies are anything Marvel related. Jordan's favorite character is Spiderman and he enjoys watching all the movies with Spiderman in them.
Jordan's forever family will be one that is fun and loving. His family should be understanding and eager to parent with a teen boy. His family will also provide him with structure and offer support and guidance.