Josiah from Texas

from Texas
- Age 13
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity African American
- Case Number 106327
- Inquire about this child
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Josiah is a great artist who draws very well. He enjoys watching sports and playing with other children his age. He loves video games and all things related to gaming. Josiah likes swimming, watching movies, listening to music, and going on hikes. Josiah is polite, helpful, and very well-spoken. He is respectful and displays manners when interacting with adults. Josiah is sometimes perceived as being shy but once he warms up, he is outgoing and social. However, Josiah is not shy when it comes to providing feedback about the things he enjoys doing, foods he likes, etc. Josiah loves the Kansas City Chiefs. He enjoys playing soccer and football. Josiah loves pizza and Chinese food. His favorite drink at Starbucks is the Caramel Ribbon Crunch Frappe.
Josiah will be best served by a two-parent household with a mom and dad. He has expressed that he desires a family he can call "mom and dad." His family will be a loving and caring family. His family should be willing to provide him with a structured routine with clear and concise expectations.