Josiah from Texas

from Texas
- Age 6
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 109516
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Josiah is shy, sweet, and always ready to play outside with his peers. He is very energetic and likes to keep busy. Josiah enjoys all things outdoors, such as going to the park, riding bikes or scooters, running, and playing sports. He likes basketball, football, and soccer. Josiah loves listening to music and singing along, especially in car rides. On the weekends, you can find Josiah racing his peers on his bike, scooter, or on foot. He enjoys a good game of goldfish as well as other card games. Josiah also enjoys a little video game competition. Some of Josiah's favorite things to eat include cheeseburgers, fries, spaghetti, and Takis. Josiah wants to go to a Texans football game. Josiah will be a great addition to a loving family.
Josiah would like a traditional family consisting of a mother and a father. He wants to have a father figure in his life. Josiah loves dogs and would love a family with pet dogs. Josiah's family should be patient, adaptive, and supportive. He would like a family where he can be involved in extracurricular activities, especially sports such as soccer and basketball. He wishes to live in a house with a father.