Julissa from Texas

from Texas
- Age 17
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 85846
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Julissa is a bright, friendly, animated, talkative, and outgoing young lady. She has a bubbly personality. Julissa loves meeting and interacting with people. She likes making people laugh. Julissa enjoys socializing with her peers, shopping, going to the movies, and eating out. Her favorite place to eat is McDonald's; she loves shakes and Big Macs. Julissa loves the outdoors. Her favorite activities are roller skating, watching movies, swimming, and fishing. She also enjoys playing board games with her peers. Julissa enjoys attending church and enjoys singing. Julissa is very interested in fashion. She loves to go to the nail shop to have her nails done. Julissa loves experimenting with different hairstyles and likes to practice making up her face. Julissa also enjoys cooking, has participated in Culinary Arts classes, and is interested in becoming a chef growing up.
Julissa will benefit from and do well with a family that commits to providing her with a safe place to express herself. Her family will continue to help her cope positively with life's challenges. Julissa's family will provide a structured and loving home environment.