Julius from Texas

from Texas
- Age 13
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 87420
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Julius is a friendly and sweet young boy at his foster care placement and his current school. Julius is very social and enjoys making new friends, playing with his friends, and talking to his foster parents, foster siblings, and adoption caseworker about his day, what is happening with him, and his interests and likes. Julius is a young boy full of life and easily expresses himself. He enjoys playing video games, football, toy cars, and bicycle rides. Julius enjoys cooking meals for himself and others, such as chicken alfredo and baking cakes, cupcakes, and other gourmand treats. Julius truly is passionate about baking as he can use it as a method to express himself and relax after a hard day of school and completing his homework. Visit me at heartgallerystx.org
Julius is open and excited about adoption. Julius welcomes the notion of being adopted out and is eager to be part of a forever family. Julius wants to be a part of a family who will love him unconditionally, always protect and keep him safe, and care for him no matter what. Julius would benefit from a family that enjoys outdoor recreational activities such as going to parks and swimming pools in the summer break. Julius would love a family that would continue to improve his cooking and baking skills as Julius takes pride in being so young and being able to cook meals for himself. Julius would benefit from a family that will provide support, guidance and love him. Julius will need a family that will be patient with him and raising him with love and nurture.