Justin from Texas

from Texas
- Age 12
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 107048
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Justin is a boy who has a love for watching Disney movies and singing along with the songs. His overall creativity and imagination are impressive. His favorite toys, Mario Legos and a bear plushy, are a reflection of his playful and fun-loving personality. He enjoys playing alone but with the right support and prompting he also enjoys participating in group activities. Justin likes to spend time outdoors playing on the swing. Some of her favorite activities are tossing a ball around or walking outside in the fresh air. Justin likes to listen to music. He especially enjoys his weekly bible and song activities. He enjoys being read to and participating in arts and crafts. Justin's unique strengths make him a special individual. He will be a wonderful addition to a loving forever family.
Justin would like a two-parent home. He would do best being the only child. His forever family will be affectionate and understanding. His family will be patient and provide him with a lot of structure.