Kelsy from Texas

from Texas
- Age 12
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 99568
- Inquire about this child
- Favorite this child
Kelsy is a good-natured young boy who is friendly and helpful. He likes to play basketball and enjoys going on school field trips. Kelsy cares a lot about animals and especially likes taking trips to the zoo to see exotic animals. Kelsy enjoys home cooked Mexican food and BBQ. He is a good eater and likes pizza, meatballs, barbacoa, and chorizo. Kelsy enjoys attending church and playing outside. Kelsy uses his imagination to build things with Legos. He loves to draw, play video games, and watch online videos. Kelsy likes to let loose and dance. His favorite subject at school is math. He is described as a very helpful child. Like many kids his age, he likes anything Pok?mon related. He is always excited to collect new Pok?mon cards! Kelsy will be a wonderful addition to a loving forever family. Visit me at the Heart Gallery of West Texas.
Kelsy's forever family will be one who is committed to helping him through the transition into their home. He wants to be a part of a secure and loving family who will offer him unconditional love. His family will be one who likes to be active within the home as well as in the community, as Kelsy is energetic and always on the go. His family will be committed to maintaining sibling contact with a younger sister, who is not a part of this adoption at this time. Kelsy will benefit from a family who ensures sibling contact is a priority to maintain and strengthen the sibling connection.