Lakavrianna from Texas

from Texas
- Age 13
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity African American
- Case Number 90361
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Lakavrianna, who likes being called "Bebe," is a spirited, energetic young girl. She is very open about her feelings and expresses them freely. Bebe can be strong willed at times and likes receiving attention. She is quiet when she first meets you, but quickly warms up to everyone. Bebe loves to play with Legos, pretending to cook, and playing video games. She also loves to swim and do arts and crafts. Bebe likes to play basketball and soccer, she says that she is very athletic. Lakavrianna loves watching movies and loves eating candy even more! She continues to work on improving how she expresses herself when she is frustrated in a positive way. Bebe's favorite foods are cheeseburgers, fried chicken, and hotdogs. Lakavrianna is looking to the future and her forever family!
Lakavrianna will thrive in a family who is positive, active, and participates in community activities. She will benefit from a family who is understanding, encouraging, and supportive as she transitions into her new life. Her family will be patient, kind, and committed as well as have knowledge of trauma-informed interventions. She will benefit from a family who will spend individual time with her. Her forever family will provide positive reinforcement and redirection in a structured home environment.