Lisa from Texas

from Texas
- Age 14
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 86579
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Lisa is a sweet, playful, and affectionate teenager. She possesses a friendly and very outgoing personality. Lisa is a very active and playful child. She enjoys being outside and running, climbing, and going swimming. Lisa loves to climb and go for walks and enjoys being read to and flipping the pages. She is very tactile and explores her environment by touch. Lisa is an active child who likes to roam and tends to want to explore new environments immediately. She is able to dress and undress herself with a little bit of guidance. Lisa appreciates guidance with daily life tasks. She expresses her feelings by making sounds, such as crying or laughing, as she is limited in her vocabulary. Lisa likes to carry toys in her hand. However, she does not have a favorite toy as she can become fixated on something, and this will be her favorite thing until she finds another interest. Lisa also enjoys sitting, looking out the window, and tapping on the window with toys, as their different sounds are soothing to her. She enjoys playing alone but does interact with others. Lisa also enjoys listening to music and playing with bendable dolls or figurines.
Lisa's forever family will be nurturing, patient, and attentive to her individual needs. Lisa would do well in a two-parent home with a positive and reliable support system. Her family will be structured and consistent, and Lisa will do well with her routine. Her family will actively participate in Lisa's life and provide constant supervision. Her family will access any needed support services to help make sure Lisa reaches her full potential. The adoptive family will need to be able to access education, training, and considerable support services to provide an appropriate home environment for Lisa. Lisa is able to feed herself with utensils but needs reminders to chew her food thoroughly, and she can drink from a regular cup. Lisa depends on others to meet her needs and will need a loving and patient family who will assist Lisa with ongoing support and guidance to meet her needs.