Lucia from Texas

from Texas
- Age 12
- Gender Female
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 100527
- Inquire about this child
- Favorite this child
Lucia is an outgoing and friendly individual who loves meeting new people and conversing about her interests. Her wit and charm make it easy for her to make friends and interact with others. Lucia is a kind and caring person who enjoys helping her peers. In her free time, she likes to watch Disney Princess movies, color, play with dolls, do arts and crafts, dine out, shop and participate in outdoor activities. Her favorite Disney princess is Jasmine. Lucia is happiest when she is engaged in activities that challenge and stimulate her mind. She has a fun personality, and she is very outspoken and outgoing. She loves to make new friends at school and talk about her interests. Lucia enjoys watching Disney Princesses movies, coloring, playing with dolls, working on arts and crafts, going to restaurants, shopping and doing outdoor activities. She would like to be an artist and a fashion designer when she grows up. Overall, Lucia is a cheerful child who is unafraid to express her thoughts and emotions. She will be a great addition to a loving and caring forever family.
Lucia's forever family will be loving, patient and will also provide her with a structured environment. Lucia would like to be a part of a family that has older children. Her family will provide her with time and patience. Lucia's family will advocate for all of her educational needs. Lucia would like a two-parent household.